The start of the 77th Biennium was full of pomp and circumstance. I was honored to join the ranks of the Vermont House of Representatives and represent both Fairfax and Georgia, and will continue to work hard for all Vermonters during the session.
This is my first Legislative Update. It is my goal to provide a weekly update. They will include updates on my committee, action on the house floor, and other important information. As always, I can be reached via abartley@leg.state.vt.us or 802-310-0400.
Change in Committee Jurisdiction and Committee Assignments
HR.4 passed the Vermont House of Representatives by voice vote. There was some dissension centered around “Climate Change Mitigation” being listed in several committees; and creates confusion over which committee has jurisdiction. Rep. Donohue of Northfield also raised concerns over the Health Care Committee’s description on mental health. After a brief discussion, the Speaker agreed to meet with the Rules Committee to clarify some of the concerns.

I was appointed by the Speaker of the House to the House Committee on General & Housing. This committee has jurisdiction over Housing, labor equity and inclusion, and all matters relating to subjects for which there is no other appropriate committee. This standing committee was amended this week by House Resolution 4. It previously included Military Affairs but that transitioned to the Government Operations standing committee. I am looking forward to working with the committee.
You can follow the work of the committee here:
Representative Carolyn Branagan was appointed to the Ways & Means Committee. This committee has jurisdiction over the revenue of the State, and which shall report the amount of taxes necessary to be raised for the support of the government and inquire what measures, if any, ought to be adopted, the better to equalize the public burdens, and otherwise improve the financial concerns of the State, including all matters relating to taxation, local or otherwise, and all matters relating to the grand list, and other similar policies. This is a very important committee and Carolyn will be, and is already a huge asset.
You can follow the work of the Ways & Means Committee here:
Bills Released for Introduction
The House has sent 25 bills to various committees thus far. No action has been taken. When we return to Montpelier next week, all committees will begin their work.
In the General & Housing Committee, there is one new bill. H.21: “An act relating to landlord notice of utility disconnections”
There are currently no bills in the Ways & Means Committee.
Here is a link to where you can view the House Bills.
In the News:
VTDigger: ‘How long can I do it?’: Legislators with young children face realities of low pay and limited accommodations https://vtdigger.org/2022/12/16/how-long-can-i-do-it-legislators-with-young-children-face-realities-of-low-pay-and-limited-accommodations/
Thank you and Happy New Year!