One of the limiting factors in the Vermont economy at this current moment is housing. No matter what impediment you're discussing, it has its roots in a shortage of housing. Important work has already been done on housing legislation this session, however, it is now in jeopardy, and we need your help!

The Senate Committee Committee on Economic Development, Housing, and General Affairs, under the leadership of Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale, advanced S.100, the Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone (HOME) Act which makes important financial investments in housing creation AND removes duplicative or exclusionary components of our state and local housing regulation need to build the supply we need. WE NEED YOUR HELP The bill is now in the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, where there are very strong indications that they will be removing good changes to our land use planning. Please urge them to pass the bill as it came to them with changes such as:
Flexibility to amend zoning bylaws to include multifamily housing,
Elimination of the ability of any ten people in a municipality to appeal a zoning permit, eliminates appeals of zoning permits for housing based on “character of the area,”
Raising of the Act 250 threshold for priority housing projects in designated growth areas, and
Creating a process for the Natural Resources Board to delegate administration of the Act 250 criteria to municipalities in designated growth areas.
PLEASE contact members or the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy to voice your support for the HOME Act as passed by the Senate Economic Committee. Share with them the struggles you, your colleagues, neighbors, and friends have had with housing and urge them to advance this legislation.
You can CC your legislators on this communication as well to make sure they know you support the HOME Act! Key Points;
The Vermont Housing Finance Agency has identified a need for 40,000 additional housing units to ensure the quality of life for Vermonters and welcome climate refugees - under current land-use restrictions, there is no way to provide this additional housing.
Our state is passed up by workers and young families constantly because they have no place to live here.
Please recognize the good work of the Senate Housing Committee, and keep your campaign promises to solve the housing crisis.
It doesn't matter how much money is spent on the housing issue unless over-regulation of housing development is addressed.
Thank you!
Rep. Ashley Bartley